DOMAssistant Core Module

The DOMAssistant Core module is required and it lays the groundwork for all DOMAssistant functionality. It consists of core functionality and a few important methods to work with.


The $ method is used to get a reference to one or several elements. It supports a CSS selector as a string, or an already established element reference. It will return the matching element(s) with all the extra DOMAssistant methods applied. A call of any of those methods will fail silently, if the $ method returned an empty array.


Send in a CSS selector or an object reference.

Return value

Always return an array of matching elements for a CSS selector. If one single object is sent in, it return that same reference, and if several object references are sent in, it will return an array of those.

Example calls

$("#container input[type=text]");

$("#navigation a");


$("#container", "#navigation .important-item", "#content");



The $$ method is used to get a quick reference to one element, just like document.getElementById. It will return a direct reference to the found DOM element, with all the DOMAssistant methods applied to it.

Contrary to the $ method, if the $$ method didn't return any match, it will throw an error if you try to call any method on it.


Send in the id of the element you're looking for.

Return value

Returns a DOM reference.

Example calls




Intended to be used on existing object references, to use a CSS selector to find children element(s) of the current object.


Used to select elements. Required.

Return value

All calls return an array of element references.

Example calls



elmsByClass(className, tag)

For getting elements based on their className. The method has a required parameter which is the desired className, and one optional if you want to limit the search to a certain tag.


Class name to search for. Required.
Only search elements that have this tag name. Optional.

Return value

All calls return an array of element references.

Example calls


$$("container").elmsByClass("external-link", "a");

elmsByAttribute(attr, attrVal, tag)

For getting elements based on if they have a certain attribute. You can also specify if that attribute should have a speific value and if you want to limit the search to a certain tag. Only the first parameter specifying the attribute is required.


Attribute name to look for. Required.
Value that the desired attribute has to have. Optional. Use wildcard character ("*") if you want any attribute value but still want to specify tag.
Only search elements that have this tag name. Optional.

Return value

All calls return an array of element references.

Example calls


$$("container").elmsByAttribute("name", "subscription");

$$("container").elmsByAttribute("type", "text", "input");


For getting elements based on their tag, i.e. what element it is. The method has one required parameter which is the name of the desired tag.

Return value

All calls return an array of element references.


Tag name to search for. Required.

Example calls



Returns true if elementRef is a descendant of the current element.

Return value

True if elementRef is a child (direct or non-direct), false otherwise.


An element reference of the item to test for.

Example calls

if (outerElm.hasChild(innerElm))
alert("innerElm is a child of outerElm!");


Gets a reference to the previous HTML element, automatically bypassing any text nodes that might be in between.



Return value

Element's previous sibling element.

Example calls



Gets a reference to the next HTML element, automatically bypassing any text nodes that might be in between.



Return value

Element's next sibling element.

Example calls



For running a function on each of the items in a returned array element reference collection.

Return value

All calls return either a single element reference or an array of element references.


Function which will be called for each item in the array of elements it's called on. Can be an anonymous function or a function reference. Traversal can be terminated by returning false in the function. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item, the index of the item, and the element collection being traversed.

Example calls

$("#navigation a").each( function(elm, idx, set) {
alert("This is item " + idx);
if (idx === 5) return false; //Stop counting after 5


Returns the index of the first occurrence of the item within the collection of elements.

Return value

Zero-based index of the element if found, and -1 otherwise.


An element reference of the item to search for.

Example calls

var elm = $$("content");
var idx = $("div").indexOf(elm);


Runs a function on each item, and returns the results in an array.

Return value

An array of the mapped results.


Mapping function to be applied to each item. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item, the index of the item, and the element collection being traversed.

Example calls

// Creates an array of element ID var arrayID = $("div").map( function(elm, idx, set) {


Runs a function to filter the element collection, and returns all items where the function returned true.

Return value

The filtered element collection.


Filtering function to be applied to each item. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item, the index of the item, and the element collection being traversed.

Example calls

var oddItems = $("div").filter( function(elm, idx, set) {
return (idx % 2 === 1);


Runs a function on each item in the element collection, while it returns true.

Return value

Boolean value, true if all items return true on the function, false otherwise.


Function to be applied to each item. Returns either true or false. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item, the index of the item, and the element collection being traversed.

Example calls

var allHaveChildren = $("div").every( function(elm, idx, set) {
return (this.childNodes.length > 0);


Runs a function on each item in the element collection, while it returns false.

Return value

Boolean value, true if some items return true on the function, false otherwise.


Function to be applied to each item. Returns either true or false. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item, the index of the item, and the element collection being traversed.

Example calls

var someHaveChildren = $("div").some( function(elm, idx, set) {
return (this.childNodes.length > 0);


To get a reference to the first match in a collection.

Return value

Returns a reference to the first element match in a collection, with the DOMAssistant methods applied.



Example calls

$("#navigation a").first();


To step one step up in the currect chaining context.

Return value

Returns a value to the previous element set in the chain.



Example calls

// Returns a reference to the a elements
$("#navigation a").create("span", null, true).end();

store(key, value)

To store arbitrary data to the current element.

Return value

Element which called the method.


Name of the data being stored. Can be a string, and is then used in conjunction with the value, or as an object with several key-value pairs. Required.
The value of the data being stored, if the key parameter is a string. Optional.

Example calls

$$("elem").store("foo", "bar");
$$("child").store( { "name": "Tom", "age": 6, "sex": "M" } );


To retrieve data that has previously been stored to the current element.

Return value

Value of the key if it is specified, otherwise the unique ID of the element.


Name of the data to be retrieved. Optional. If unspecified, the unique ID of the current element is returned.

Example calls

var foo = $$("elem").retrieve("foo"); //bar
var age = $$("child").retrieve("age"); //6
alert("Unique ID is " + $$("child").retrieve());


To remove data that has previously been stored to the current element.

Return value

Element which called the method.


Name of the data to be removed. Optional. If unspecified, all data associated with the current element is removed.

Example calls

$$("child").unstore(); //Removes all data


Allows DOMAssistant to co-exist in harmony with other Javascript libraries, by avoiding global namespace collision of $ and $$. The dollar methods are still accessible via DOMAssistant.$ and DOMAssistant.$$

Return value




Example calls

<script type="text/javascript" src="OtherLib.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="DOMAssistantCompressed.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    DOMAssistant.DOMReady( function() {
        // Your DOMAssistant code
    } );

    // Other library's code here


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